Term | Definition |
A | Abbreviation for "ampere," a unit of electrical current. |
Absorption | Loss or dissipation of energy as it travels through a medium. Example: radio waves lose some of their energy as they travel through the atmosphere. |
AC | Abbreviation for "alternating current." |
Acceptor Atoms | Trivalent atoms that accept free electrons from pentavalent atoms. |
AC Coupling | Circuit that passes an AC signal while blocking a DC voltage. |
AC/DC | Equipment that will operate on either an AC or DC power source. |
AC Generator | Device used to transform mechanical energy into AC electrical power. |
AC Load Line | A graph representing all possible combinations of AC output voltage and current for an amplifier. |
AC Power Supply | Power supply that delivers an AC voltage. |
Active Component | A component that changes the amplitude of a signal between input and output. |
Active Filter | A filter that uses an amplifier in addition to reactive components to pass or reject selected frequencies. |
Active Region | The region of BJT operation between saturation and cutoff used for linear amplification. |
AC Voltage | A voltage in which the polarity alternates. |
ADC | Abbreviation for "analog to digital converter." |
Admittance | (symbol "Y") Measure of how easily AC will flow through a circuit. Admittance is the reciprocal of impedance and is measured in siemens. |
AF | Abbreviation for "audio frequency." |
AFC | Abbreviation for "automatic frequency control." |
AGC | Abbreviation for "automatic gain control." |
Alkaline Cell | A primary cell that delivers more current than a carbon-zinc cell. Also known as an "alkaline manganese cell." |
Alligator Clip | Spring clip on the end of a test lead used to make a temporary connection. |
Alpha | Ratio of collector current to emitter current in a bipolar junction transistor (BJT). Greek letter a is the symbol used. |
Alternating Current | An electric current that rises to a maximum in one direction, falls back to zero, and then rises to a maximum in the opposite direction and then repeats. |
Alternator | Name for an AC generator. |
AM | Abbreviation for "amplitude modulation." |
Ammeter | A meter used to measure current. |
Ampere | Unit of electrical current. |
Amplifier | A circuit that increases the voltage, current, or power of a signal. |
Amplitude | Magnitude or size of a signal voltage or current. |
Analog | Information represented as continously varying voltage or current rather than in discrete levels as opposed to digital data varying between two discrete levels. |
Anode | The positive electrode or terminal of a device. The "P" material of a diode. |
Antenna, Transmitting | A device that converts an electrical wave into an electromagnetic wave that radiates away from the antenna. |
Antenna, Receiving | A device that converts a radiated electromagnetic wave into an electrical wave. |
Apparent Power | Power attained in an AC circuit as a product of effective voltage and current that reach their peak at different times. |
Arc | Discharge of electricity through a gas such as lightning discharging through the atmosphere. |
Armature | The rotating or moving component of a magnetic circuit. |
Armstrong Oscillator | An oscillator that uses an isolation transformer to achieve positive feedback from output to input. |
Astable Multivibrator | An oscillator that produces a square wave output from a DC voltage. |
Atom | The smallest particle that an element can be broken down into and still maintain its unique identity. |
Atomic Number | The number of positive charges or protons in the nucleus of an atom. |
Attenuate | To reduce the amplitude of an action or signal. The opposite of amplification. |
Audio | Relating to frequencies that can be heard by the human ear. Approximately 20 Hz to 20 kHz. |
Autotransformer | A single winding transformer where the output is taken from taps on the winding. |
Average Value | A value of voltage or current where the area of the wave above the value equals the area of the wave below the value. |
AVC | Abbreviation for "automatic volume control." |
Avionics | Aviation electronics. |
AWG | Abbreviation for "american wire gauge." A gauge that assigns a number value to the diameter of a wire. |
Balanced Bridge | Condition that occurs when a bridge circuit is adjusted to produce a zero output. |
Band-pass Filter | A tuned circuit designed to pass a band of frequencies between a lower cut-off frequency (f1) and a higher cut-off frequency (f2). Frequencies above and below the pass band are heavily attenuated. |
Band-stop Filter | A tuned circuit designed to stop frequencies between a lower cut-off frequency (f1) and a higher cut-off frequency (f2) of the amplifier while passing all other frequencies. |
Bandwidth | Width of the band of frequencies between the half power points. |
Barrier Potential | The natural difference of potential that exists across a forward biased PN junction. |
Base | The region that lies betwen the emitter and collector of a bipolar junction transistor (BJT). |
Base Biasing | A method of biasing a BJT in which the bias voltage is supplied to the base by means of a resistor. |
Battery | A DC voltage source containing two or more cells that convert chemical energy to electrical energy. |
Baud | A unit of signaling speed equal to the number of signal events per second. Not necessarily the same as bits per second. |
Beta | b; The ratio of collector current to base current in a bipolar junction transistor (BJT). |
Bias | A DC voltage applied to a device to control its operation. |
Binary | A number system having only two symbols, 0 and 1. A base 2 number system. |
Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) | A three-terminal device in which emitter to collector current is controlled by base current. |
Bistable Multivibrator | A multivibrator with two stable states. An external signal is required to change the output from one state to the other. Also called a latch. |
Bleeder Current | A current drawn continously from a souce. Bleeder current is used to stabilize the output voltage of a source. |
Bode Plot | A graph of gain versus frequency. |
Branch Current | The portion of total current flowing in one path of a parallel circuit. |
Breakdown Voltage | Voltage at which the breakdown of a dielectric or insulator occurs. |
Breakover Voltage | Minimum voltage required to cause a diac to break down and conduct. |
Bridge Rectifier | A circuit using four diodes to provide full wave rectification. Converts an AC voltage to a pulsating DC voltage. |
Buffer | An amplifier used to isolate a load from a source. |
Bulk Resistance | The natural resistance of a P type or N type semiconductor material. |
Butterworth Filter | A type of active filter characterized by a constant gain (flat response) across the midband of the circuit and a 20-dB-per-decade roll-off rate for each pole contained in the circuit. |
BW | Abbreviation for bandwidth. |
Bypass Capacitor | A capacitor used to provide an AC ground at some point in a circuit. |
Byte | Group of eight binary digits or bits. |
Cable | Group of two or more insulated wires. |
CAD | Abbreviation for "computer aided design." |
Calibration | To adjust the correct value of a reading by comparison to a standard. |
Capacitance | The ability of a capacitor to store an electrical charge. The basic unit of capacitance is the Farad. |
Capacitive Reactance | The opposition to current flow provided by a capacitor. Capacitive reactance is measured in ohms and varies inversly with frequency. |
Capacitor | An electronic component having capacitive reactance. |
Capacitor Microphone | Microphone whose operation depends on variations in capacitance caused by varying air pressure on the movable plate of a capacitor. |
Carbon-film Resistor | Device made by depositing a thin carbon film on a ceramic form. |
Carbon Microphone | Microphone whose operation depends on pressure variation in carbon granules causing a change in resistance. |
Carbon Resistor | Resistor of fixed value made by mixing carbon granules with a binder which is moulded and then baked. |
Cascaded Amplifier | An amplifier with two or more stages arranged in a series configuration. |
Cascode Amplifier | A high-frequency amplifier made up of a common-source amplifier with a common-gate amplifier in its drain network. |
Cathode | The negative terminal electrode of a device. The N material in a junction diode. |
Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) | Vacuum tube used to display data in a visual form. Picture tube of a television or computer terminal. |
Cell | Single unit used to convert chemical energy into a DC electrical voltage. |
Center Frequency | Frequency to which an amplifier is tuned. The frequency halfway between the cut-off frequencies of a tuned circuit. |
Center Tap | Midway connection between the two ends of a winding. |
Center Tapped Rectifier | Circuit that make use of a center tapped transformer and two diodes to provide full wave rectification. |
Center Tapped Transformer | A transformer with a connection at the electrical center of a winding. |
Ceramic Capacitor | Capacitor in which the dielectric is ceramic. |
Charge | Quantity of electrical energy. |
Charge Current | Current that flows to charge a capacitor or battery when voltage is applied. |
Chassis | Metal box or frame into which components are mounted. |
Chassis Ground | Connection to a chassis. |
Chebyshev Filter | A type of active filter characterized by high roll-off rates (40 dB per decade per pole) and midband gain that is not constant. |
Choke | Inductor used to oppose the flow of alternating current. |
Circuit | Interconnection of components to provide an electrical path between two or more components. |
Circuit Breaker | A protective device used to open a circuit when current exceeds a maximum value. In effect, a reusable fuse. |
Clamper | A diode circuit used to change the DC level of a waveform without distorting the waveform. |
Clapp Oscillator | A variation of the Colpitts oscillator. An added capacitor is used to eliminate the effects of stray capacitance on the operation of the basic Colpitts oscillator. |
Class A Amplifier | A linear amplifier biased so the active device conducts through 360 degrees of the input wave |