A measurement of the hardness of a non-metal such as rubber, plastic, etc. Also the instrument for such measurement.
Dummy Component
A mechanical package without the die, used to verify placement processes.
Dual Solder Wave
In wave soldering, the first wave’s multi-directional jet leaves solder on all contacted surfaces, followed by the second (flat) wave, which effects a finishing appearance by removing bridges and icicles. Intended for surface mount soldering.
Drying Time
Within the re-flow process after pre-heat and before peak re-flow temperature wherein volatile materials escape from the solder paste.
Dry Film Resists
Coating material in the form of laminated photo-sensitive foils specifically designed for use in the manufacture of printed circuit boards and chemically machined parts. They are resistant to various electroplating and etching processes.
Oxide and other contaminates which form on the surface of molten solder.
Solid, carbide cutting tools designed specifically for the fast removal of material in extremely abrasive, glass-epoxy materials.
Design Rule Check: Checks the integrity of print (PCB) so that problems like short-circuits, unrouted nets, etc. are recognized.
A measure of cleaning solution lost via board emergence after immersion.
Drag Soldering
The making of soldered terminations by dipping the colder side of a supported printed board with through-hole mounted components into the surface of a static pool of molten solder and moving it horizontal in one direction.
Disc Plot Format.
Double-sided Board
A printed board with a conductive pattern on both sides.
Double-sided Assembly
A PCB with components mounted on both skies.
Information on an assembly that explains the basic design concept, type and quantity of parts and materials, special manufacturing instruction, and up-to-date revisions.
Disturbed Solder Connection
A solder connection that is characterized by the appearance that there was motion between the metals being joined when the solder was solidifying (not accepted).
A chemical added to the cleaning solution to improve its particulate-removal ability.
Discrete Component
A component which has been fabricated prior to its installation (i.e., resistors, capacitors, diodes, transistors, capacitors, diodes, transistors, etc ). A single function component.
DIP Soldering
A process whereby printed boards are brought into contact with the surface of a static pool of molten solder for the purpose of soldering the entire exposed conductive pattern in one operation.
Dimensional Stability
A measure of dimensional change cause by such factory as temperature, humidity, chemical treatment, age, or stress (usually expressed as units/unit).
Dimensional Hole
A hole in a printed board where the means of determining location is by co-ordinate values not necessarily coinciding with the stated grid.
Any method of reducing feature locations on a flat plane to digital representation of X-Y co-ordinates.
Digital Logic Simulator
A tool used to verity the design (or portions thereof) in the digital domain by applying virtual test signals to a virtual model of the design.
Digital Circuit
A circuit comprised mostly of integrated circuits and operate, like a switch (i.e., it is either “ON” or “OFF”).
An insulating medium which occupies the region between the conductors. It is also the distance between bonded inner layer conductors.
Dielectric Strength
The maximum voltage that a dielectric material can withstand, under specified conditions, without rupturing (usually expressed as volts/units thickness.)
Dielectric Constant
The property of a dielectric which determines the electrostatic energy stored per unite volume for a potential gradient.
The uncased and normally leadless form of an electronic component that is either active or passive, discrete or integrated.
Two or more dies.
Dry Film Solder Mask.
Kind of galvanic corrosion, generally associated with two-phase brass alloys, in which the zinc-rich beta phase is selectively leached out of the brass. It occurs when brazed joints are exposed to salt or seawater.
A solder coating that has receded, leaving irregular deposits and indicating that the base metal has not been adequately de-oxidized.
An individual electrical element, usually in an independent body, which cannot be further reduced without destroying its stated function.
Design Width of Conductor
The width of a conductor as delineated or noted on the master drawing. (See also: Conductor Base Width and Conductor Width).
Metallic filaments growing between pads and traces resulting from electromigration.
A separation between any of the layers of a base material or between the laminate and the conductive foil, or both.
The process of locating and fixing problems (bugs) in the hardware and software portions of an electronic system.
A defined point, line, or plane used to locate the pattern of layer for manufacturing or inspection, or for both purposes.
A collection of inter-related data items stored together without redundancy to serve one or more applications.